Does anyone have the new VAC Phi 300 amplifier?

If so, I'm very interested in your impressions and associated equipment.

The Vac Phi 300 is awesome in every way. The Phi 300 is the 3rd $15,000.00 tube amp I have owned. The prior two were the Mcintosh 2000, and the Sonic Frontiers Power 3's. Both are inferior to the Vac, neither does one thing better than the Vac 300. For me component changes often offer some compromise in some area, this one did not.

As for the sound of the Vac. I will compare the sound of the Vac to the Mcintosh 2000. Since the Mac was better then the Sonic Frontiers Power 3's., and a good amp, just not PHI 300 good.

The Vac combines the best of tubes and the best of solid state. It presents the midrage with natural tone, it is not lush nor stark. It is just natural and right. I can't give it a better compliment than that. The Mcintosh had good tone, but it was a little soft, and it could not do "wood tones" well. Also, the Mac's bass presentation was "rubbery" sounding. In a word the Mcintosh lacked "snap".

The Vac's presents images with a natural air, transparency and scale. The dimensionality is presented as naturally, as the recording allows.

The Vac's bass performance is best to be compared to solid sate. It has "snap" and, it controls deep bass, and best of all is tuneful. Solid state amps I have heard in my system recently include the Dartzeel and a Krell 400. The Vac's bass control was as good as the Krells, at any volumes I listen at, and better then the Dartzeel at all volumes.

This amp has found a permanent home. The amp is "right" from top to bottom, the clsest thing to perfect I have every heard in any amp. Don't listen to one unless you are prepared to buy one. It would be hard to live without once you have heard it.

Dlanselm: Thanks for your insights. Sounds like you are quite pleased. I know its a great looking amp as well - you might want to add a pic to your system when you get the chance. I appreciate your sharing your opinion on what sounds like a really great amp (altho I have yet to hear one). How long have you had it and how long was your break-in period?

Thanks and enjoy your system!
I have had it for two weeks. But it has about 200 hours on it. I have left it on for long periods with a CD on repeat, to speed the break in. The break in is real. Out of the box it was decent, at about 100 hours it sounds good. At about 150 hours it was "dark", now at 200 hours it is very musical.
Finally got an unbroken 300.1 (fedex ground broke the first 1 and then denied the claim - beware)and I love it so far (2 days). I put a few early impressions on my system site. Thanks very much to all who contributed to this thread.
Fplanner2000, I would love to hear your impressions as the amp further breaks in. The McCormack DNA 500 is an amzing amp for a solid state, so your comparisons would be appreciated.