CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?

Some love them. Others criticize:

Highly colored.

Midrange nice, but euphonic & not accurate.

Highs rolled off, and given an electronic sheen.

Overall dark sound.

Imaging only so-so.

Lack transparency.

Textured sounding.

Bass somewhat lacking definition & loose.

What's your opinion??
I have read the same criticisms and wondered myself. So I went out and bought a used DR-8. I had a Four Preamp, which I really liked.
The DR-8 didn't sound dark, it didn't sound grainy or textured or euphonic, etc. Basically, like the Four, it seemed to have little character of its own and was very transparent. That said, I had been using a tube amp before, and was used to a little more warmth and some more roll-off in the highs than the Classe offered. I may have been able to get it to work for me with some cable rolling and maybe my speakers with metal dome tweeters were not an ideal match, but the amp developed an intermittant short in one channel so I returned it. Actually this is unusual as Classe stuff is overbuilt and I have never had any problems with my preamp. I do not think Classe gear is highly flawed.
Their smaller amps were anything BUT "dark" or "rolled on top". I would have called them "lean and bright" if anything. The bigger amps are notably mellower from my experience. Either way, it's like anything else: system synergy and personal preference. I will say that i consider them to be "well built" though. Sean
It seems like those critics use Krell or some other bleach white(not colored) amp as a frame of reference. All I can really say, however, is that with my speakers (Hales), Classe is magic. The first time i heard the Hales/CA-300(store auditon) was the first time I was truely impressed with hi-fi. My heart pounded, my eyes watered & I even clinched the arms of the chair a bit. I have heard Hales with other amps, and I thought they sucked. Very boring, and/or hard on the ears. For SS, Classe rules.
It really is just a matter of preference. However, there is nothing that is highly flawed about it. Sure, it is in good terms, smooth, and a bit relaxed sound. In additon, it has tendency to compromise the "digital blues" quiet well. It may not produce the most accurate sound and the tightest low range, but by no means it is highly flawed.
It does not tire you out when running a long session like some other amps. plus a great sound stage.
Martin Colloms, respected British reviewer, reviewed the Classe CA-200 in Stereophile, Feb. 97. He said the amp had a audible sheen or emphasis in the treble, adding a breathiness to vocals. He also said that pace, rhythm, dynamics and listener involvement were not addressed in the design as much as smoothness and a relaxed, laid-back sound.

He admitted that he was "not totally knocked out" by the Classe, even though he didn't knock it that much. A rather lukewarm response to this amplifier. He seemed to think it was just an ok amp.

This review, plus some negative comments I have seen by some audiophiles, and a past audio store salesperson who really trashed the line, have made me wonder.