CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?

Some love them. Others criticize:

Highly colored.

Midrange nice, but euphonic & not accurate.

Highs rolled off, and given an electronic sheen.

Overall dark sound.

Imaging only so-so.

Lack transparency.

Textured sounding.

Bass somewhat lacking definition & loose.

What's your opinion??
The real change of circuitry design based on what Classe has learned from developing thier Omega power amp starts from the CA301. The CA201 is still pretty much the old CA200 design with a now 01 style case. If you want to appreciate the Omega inspired changes on the Classe CA line of amps, start audioning from the 301 and up ! If you still come to the same conclusion that you had on the 201, then call the whole world stupid with you being the only smart one, and look elsewhere for you next amp and see if you can surpass the values of the new Classe amps.
Happy amp hunting.
Dragont, do your homework first. Classe told me that the circuitry in the CA201, 301, 401 is ALL THE SAME CIRCUIT. Any improvements from the Omega project that are used are used in all of them. The CAM 350 & 200 are different, and incorporate more of Omega's technology. The McCormack DNA-225 is far superior to the Classe. I went on the Audio Research tube gear, and it blows all of this stuff in the dust.
God, who cares? Kevzeik had made up his mind by mid-October. I am just a little puzzled. He seems to be angry with Classe and/or the posters of this thread. And poor me, I will just have to wallow in the mud with my lowest of the low, the Classe 70.
Can't this be an intelligent discussion instead of an "attack Kevziek"? I tried to encourage discourse and dialogue and a presentation of varying opinions. Let's stop this politicial correctness. Ohlala, if you're happy with your Classe 70, all power to you! I began this thread to find out other's experiences, not be attacked for daring to say negative things about the enshrined Classe amplifiers.

I have nothing against Classe. Actually, I think they are a great company and truly dedicated. Their Omega amp, and probably the CAM series, have been well received. I have no opportunity to hear them, as the Classe dealer here doesn't carry anything but the small models. The CA201 to my ears was too homogenized sounding, and the lack of air and space in the highs, along with their rolloff, made it a non-choice for me.
Kevziek, I did do my homework. I had been a CA200 owner for more than 4 years and I recently upgraded to the CAM350's. Before I did the upgrade, I discussed the new 01 line-ups with Classe's sales manager. What I said yesterday was exactly what the Classe sales manager told me. I didn't add any or take away any from what he said. So take it from there.
I'm surprised too. It is quite apparent that you are not a Classe owner but you choose Classe for creating a discussion and pre-empted the discussion with a list of negatives on the entire Classe line. Whenever you hear any favourable comments coming from other actual Classe owners, you would rebuff and bring out other products such as McCormack's to put down such comments.
You may have started the discussion with whatever good spirit you claimed to have had, but you certainly have defeated yourself by sounding stubborn and ignorant. You've admitted that you've never listened to any Classe models higher than the 201 because they are not available from where you live. Then, how can you discredit all Classe lines because you didn't have the opportunity of listening to them ?
By this time, you have received 40 feedbacks on your questions on Classe, why not leave the subject now and form your own decision whether or not to buy a Classe product for yourself.
To all Classe owners, don't waste any more of your time on this unworthy question from someone who has demonstrated repeatly that his mind is already made up that almost no Classe amp is worth his consideration. We all wanted to tell him and help him, as Classe owners,how we feel about what we own, but apparently he is not open to any favourable feedbacks. Let's wish him luck to be able to listen to more Classe designs, old and new and have the good fortune of owning some someday.