CLASSE - Great amps or highly flawed?

Some love them. Others criticize:

Highly colored.

Midrange nice, but euphonic & not accurate.

Highs rolled off, and given an electronic sheen.

Overall dark sound.

Imaging only so-so.

Lack transparency.

Textured sounding.

Bass somewhat lacking definition & loose.

What's your opinion??

The statement you qouted does not say that the design is the same, just the design "philosophy". Philosophy and circutry can be two different things.

Anyway, I own a CA101 and feel that it meets my needs better than a McCormick, ie. DNA .5 delux, which I am very familiar with.
What a worthless thread, the only information worth reading are Classe owners or other rebutals who have heard Classe amps and offer personal experiences - this thread should have gone under "hall of shame" or "who got their feelings hurt by Classe." If you already have all the answers Kev then move on...
The bottom line on this whole thread is that many, but not all, devotees of Classe amps who answered here can't handle any criticism towards their enshrined objects. This is quite myopic and immature. There are constant excuses: Martin Colloms did a subjective review; Robert Reina didn't know what he was talking about; the systems are messed up. Quite frankly, if all Classe owners have to offer is excuses and attacks on every reviewer who has given lukewarm reviews to these amps, I'd rather the thread end, too.

In response to Ramstl, the McCormack amp I compared it to is a much refined design over the DNA 0.5 you owned.

I have outlined the systems I used to analyze the CA-201, and I'm sure that I zeroed in on the sonic characteristics of this amp. It isn't a matter of taste -- I am describing sonic deficiencies both I and an audiophile friend heard. FYI, I am a professional musician, pianist and vocalist, and am acutely aware of what sounds like music and what doesn't.