Amp for Nautilus 801

Any nautilus owner out there help me selecting an amp for my Nautilus 801!
The options I ve got are:
Mark Levinson No. 333
Krell MDA 300
Conrad Johnson Premier 12
Bryston 7B.
My music preference is Jazz and classical,occassionally pop.For pre amp I am using Casablanca II.Any suggestion will be of great help.
A pair of Bryston 7bsst monoblocks will give your 801's everything they need.
I recently replaced a Levinson 331 with a McCormack DNA-500 driving my Aerial 10Ts. The DNA-500 produced an exceptional improvement in dynamics, slam and transient response. Very musical!
Tubes are always at the top-of-my -list.The CJs should be a good choice,and are becoming more affordable.