Modwright SWL 9.0SE Preamplifier

I happened upon this and if the reviews are anything to go buy this is one heck of a pre. Seems the price goes up very shortly so I may want to snag one before it does. I was wondering if the house had any experience? Also to what kit do you used the pre? I was also looking for tube monos to compliment it.

Many thanks :)
There's nearly exhaustive info available on this unit in the archives. I'd suggest buying one used...trying it in your system...and going from there. They are readily available used.
I'm having great luck with the Modwright paired with my AES (Cary) Sixpac monos. Clear open sound, great decay with respectible detail. In addition to searching the threads, you can search the systems here and see what folks are using it with.
Phd...good question. I've been watching these for several months ever since reading Srajan's rave review at 6 moons. Hardly a week goes by that there isn't one, sometimes two, for sale on A'gon for as low as $1250 so far. Makes one wonder. Perhaps someone who has owned and then sold could tell us what they didn't like about it. Of course I understand that many here are never happy with anything for very long and just need to try the next hot item. Srajan seems like a pretty good source as reviewers go and a number of other reviews are equally enthusiastic.