Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri

Need a good advise here since the possibility of listen before i buy is limited. No hard-rock fan, else all kind of music. On my short list at the moment are Pathos (Classic), Sugden, BAT, Creek, Edge, Lavardin, CJ.
Daveyf,Onemug,Egidius,Lloydelee21, I've been reading and greatly appreciating all your posts, but something's come-up and everything's on hold for me right now in terms of listening, etc. I have been researching online every item you've all put forth. I'll keep you all posted, and please keep the recommendations, tips, and debate coming. I'm sure this is all extremely valuable information to whomever else is out there reading this thread.

Egidius - Wow! That's a huge and funky-looking sub. I put my name on a list for a listen at the shop in case one comes up someday.

Lloydelee21 - Yes, I have found some old ARC preamps here. Are they all generally good, or mainly the Reference III? How about an oldie like SP-3A-1?

Onemug, Daveyf - Home trials of anything cost 10% the price of whatever eqpt from the one shop in town (but that means keep it for 30 days), so I have to try things in the shop until I narrow them down to one or two items. Any tips on how best to listen-test a pre-amp? Things to listen for? Testing techniques, etc.?
Daveyf- I just found a used CONVERGENT AUDIO SL-1 signature online at the top end of my budget. Is this model a good one in your opinion?

If so, maybe I could arrange a trip to Tokyo to hear it, but then it would only be at the shop with their eqpt.
hi DILE,

just bring your own that you know well. it is not perfect, but it helps a lot when you at least (in one system) start to delineate what the 2 preamps do in the system in the store. you may also be able to ask the Owner of the store to set up a system based on equipment they have that you may further be familiar with, or equipment that is similar to equipment you know.

good luck.
The Ref 3 is very good and quite a leap forward from the Ref 2 which i have heard before. That said, yes, ARC preamps are generally well regarded but i do not have personal experience with any others besides Ref 2, 3 and the 5. I have owned the CJ pv14l, and now the Act 2. I like them both, and have found the Guarneris to sound very good thru both. I have heard BAT pre (VK51 or something?) on Sonus Faber Amatis...quite crisp. I have heard Audible Illusions pre was quite good, probably similar vintage to the ARC's you mentioned above?

as for 'what to listen for', i would have suggested it is not too different than what to listen for in any component. What happens to the sound when you put your own component into the system?...what changes and do you like those changes? Some people prefer to 'color' their sound a bit using the pre while others prefer to get the pre to be 'straight wire with gain' (ie totally transparent).

As my system has been upgraded, i have found i am trending towards more 'neutral' components that err on the side of natural/warm. hope that helps and enjoy when you get back into listening mode.
Hi Lloydelee - I only have integrated amps right now (Luxman and McIntosh), but I guess I could lug one of those over and just compare the pre-outs, if the shop doesn't have one of the same models. That would be difficult if I take the bullet train to Tokyo or elsewhere, but no problem for testing stuff in the (one) local shop. Thanks for the tip. I should have thought of that!