How much better is the Krell 400xi compared to the

How much better is the Krell 400xi(200w) compared to the Krell 300i (150w) people? Sound quality and overall performances?

I have a 400xi (with probably less than 200 hrs on it). I've also got a Conrad-Johnson PF2 preamp and Hafler 9500 and Odyssey Stratos power amps. Of the three combos (400xi, PF2/9500, PF2/Stratos), the 400xi sounds sweetest on top; the PF2/Stratos has the largest soundstage, and the PF2/9500 images best. Soundstage size is about the same between the PF2/9500 and 400xi (perhaps slightly smaller for the 400xi). The 400xi and PF2/Stratos have slightly smoother midbass than the PF2/9500.

- Kofi
I have compared the 400xi and the combo Sp16 pre with 4 Bsst amp and I have to say the 400xi comes very closed. Open, clean, sweet and warm. The 400xi mid-range is not quite open and rich as the Sp16/ 4 Bsst combo but very close. I did hear more detail background from the Sp16/ 4 Bsst. In the All for you cd, with the Sp16/ 4 Bsst I can hear clearly the drum brush on the background but only faint sound with 400xi.A $2500.00 intergrated hold itself against $5,500.00 combo with its own decency. Not bad Krell !
Infofuma, I own 400xi and I love it as much as my SP16/ 4Bsst combo even though the 400Xi is not quite as detail and open as the above combo. A $2500.00 intergrated holds itself pretty good against $5,500.00 combo that is impressive. If it is in perfect condition and you want to get rid of it at a loss, you know how to contact me. I am an audio junkie who loves the baby Krell more than some separates and I may have the use another 400Xi.
Tuanngo, sorry! It's a typo.I meant " Indofunka" . An old man tried to type wihtout reading glass, that's what happened.