preamp suggetions for mid lvl system

I didn't see my earlier post up, so here goes.

Any suggestions on which SS preamp to pair with a B&K ST-2140. I need two sets of outputs so narrowed it down to

Parasound Halo P3
NAD C162
Rotel RC-1090

wanted to go tube but concerned about reliabilty and service options in India
I bought a Rotel RC 995 Pre-amp recently and it is very musical and well constructed. Highly recommended. I tried a B&K PT 3/II in my system and it was not nearly as musical compared to the Rotel RC-960 which I was using at the time. The RC-955 is way better than the RC-960. Haven't heard the NAD but should work as well but would not cosmetically (Gray) match your B&K. Good Luck!
heard that the rotels are a little bright. Was that true of the B&K also. Need to tone down my highs a bit. Gets a little irritating at higher volumes. Heard that the NAD was smoother. No idea what the parasound sounds like, but it does have some good reviews.

but thanks for the input
I've owned the parasound, but not the others. I loved it. Only sold it because there is so much out there to try. If I found a good price on one, I'd probably jump on it again.