6922 Replacements for BAT VK-300x

I purchased a pre-owned VK-300x integrated, and one of the 6922's is microphonic. I replaced both tubes with a spare set of Sovtek's that I had laying around. I'd like to put something a bit more refined in their place. Has any BAT integrated and/or preamp owner here experimented with anything else that they would recommend? My preference is to lean towards warmth over an analytical sound.

I've tried to call Andy at VTS, but I'm not sure he's still selling tubes based on a couple threads I've seen here. I've purchased from Kevin at Upscale, but his "didn't buy gear here" prices are quite high. Anyone here purchased from Tube Depot with success?

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Hi Chris,

My personal preference is towards Amperex 7308 PQ's. However, if you prefer a warmer sound, I'd recommend a pair of Mullard 6922's.
I figured I'd end up with a Mullard or Amperex, but didn't know if anyone had tried one of the newer production tubes with success. The Sovtek's are OK, but strictly OK.

Outside of Andy and Upscale, I haven't purchased tubes anywhere else. I guess I'll have to do some looking around while I keep trying to reach Andy.

I think you and I did a transaction about a million years ago. Do you live in Virginia? Do you have Jim McShane's contact information?

It is extremely difficult to find a NOS pair of 6922 tubes that are NOT microphonic. One has to lower their standards/expectations when using this tube type. A truly highly microphonic tube will feeback thru the speakers when music is playing. Or even when then volume control is turned up. Tubes that exhibit microphonics only when taped on, or when switches are thrown, are 100% "normal".
Hi Chris,

Yes on all accounts. I looked it up & it was in 2001. Wow, time sure does fly when you're spending money!

I'll email the info.
