Mac's BAD MATCH for 802D's?

I have recently purchased B&W 802D's to go with my Mac C46 pre-amp and MC352 power amp.

A very respected dealer in my area (who has been helpful to me in the past) insists that Mac is about the worst possible match for the 802's and swears I would feel "like a veil was lifted" if I instead switched to Classe, Ayre (I do have an Ayre cd player, which I love), Mark Levinson or Boulder Amp. I should note that he does not carry some of these brands so he wasn't just trying to "sell" me. I have to admit that although my system sounds very good, it's not as "open" sounding (transparent, or whatever the right audiophile adjective might be).

If anyone aware of an engineering reasons the Mac might not be as great a match to the 802's as other equipment might be?

Any thoughts on what might be the optimal AMP combination (in a $6,000- $11,000 range) match for 802's
Brianmgrarcom, you diffently made the right choice from the 802D's to the WP7'S.
I wholeheartedly agree Dev.
You have to try the Mac 501's on your WP7's, you will be in for a surprise.
Tell that to my wife! :)

I was surprised at the performance of the Rowland, I had one before and thought better of it back then. Interesting that you had the same setup.

I purchased an MC352 a few months ago for my 1980 B&W 801 speakers. After reading the above thread I want to say Thank You, Thank You!! As I just swiched from the 8 ohms outport to the 4 ohm outport and the improvement in sound it magnificent. I was thinking of investing in a pair of 802D but I don't think I'll bother now.

Thanks again.
Brian, I did go and listen to a pair of 802d and with the set up in the shop I preferred my old 801. It wasn't fair to the 802d as the turntable set up and preamp was rudimentary to say the least and even when listening to a CD it wasn't up to the old 801s playing vinyl. Interestingly the dealer did not offer to let me audition the 802ds at home. I thing the improvement would have been marginal if any.

However in chatting, the dealer recommended trying the 2ohm connection on the mc352 to the 801s. I did this on return home and I must confess, I also installed 2 Mallard tubes in my Jolida phono amp. I could not believe the result. I'm in awe. I have never heard such bass, clarity definition and translucency. I feel I have a new pair of speakers without forking out $12,000.00.

Thanks again as you set me on the right track.
That is interesting Shiprepair, it makes me wonder what the results would be if I tried the 2ohm taps, a friend encouraged me, but I never did.

Isn't it awesome when a simple tweak makes a difference as big, or bigger, that changing a piece of gear!?!

I still have fond memories of hearing your speakers at an audio store; I spent a lot of time at that store through the years, those were the first to wow me.