SET for 88 dB 4 ohm loadspeaker

Can you recommend any SET or PSE for 88 bB 4 ohm speaker

Won't work. You need push/pull tube. Either KT90 or 6550. Just curious, the speakers are they Theils, Vandersteens, Von Schwikert or Tyler?
i can not understand the Nagra VPA model's specifications "Pure Class A Push-Pull Triode Monoblocks" how can a pure class A be PP at the same time? Is this ultra liner?
"03-15-07: Monomithos
i can not understand the Nagra VPA model's specifications "Pure Class A Push-Pull Triode Monoblocks" how can a pure class A be PP at the same time? Is this ultra liner?

Class 'A' refers to the bias condition.
I use a 12 wpc SE tube amp to drive 88db/mtr efficiency speakers and can achieve quite high volume levels.
