Preamp with lots of outputs?

What some recommendations for great preamps with LOTS of outputs. The more the better.

Is Doug a Dick, or a Doug? I hope you weren't calling Doug a dick! Does Doug want input on ouputs? Or, does Dick really need more outputs for his inputs? If Doug is really Dick, that might explain why he's looking for outputs when he really needs inputs...if he can't keep his name straight how's he supposed to keep track of all those outlets on the back of his components?! He certainly needs a new user ID! My brain hurts!



03-26-07: Doug_kraz

Hey Dick, why don't you just head back to and grab yerself a nice shiny reciever.
Doug, I think you're going to need at least TWO input/output switchers, not a preamp.
I have a great sense of humor generally. This thread has turned into potty humor because either Tripper is dsylexic or just plain stupid. FURTHERMORE, if you dont have something intelligent to say, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL.

Next, I have no RESPECT for Rwwear!!!!!!!! Do not answer a question with a question!!!!! You screwed up my serious question on this tread, with your inane question. Rwwear I suggest you go to IRAQ and look for those WMD's. You seem to have the intellect for it as well the the ability to distract, obfiscate, confuse, and not take responsibility.

And for all you that encouraged Tripper and/or further exaserbated the stupidity-- Bdgregory, Jax2, Jmcgrogan2
go watch the movie JACKASS, and don't ever comment on my threads again.