Belcanto Power Amplifiers

If I remember correctly there were a lot of Belcanto Evo power amplifier users on this message board, has anybody tried their latest e-One Ref 1000's or e-One M300's?
Dgaylin would you say that the difference in quality justify the substantial difference in price between the S300 (or M300) and the Ref 1000.
I am ATM hesitating between the Nuforce 9 SE v2 and the Belcanto Ref 1000 or the M300 as an alternative). The rest of m system is a RA Opus 21 and a pair of Gallo ref3 vII.
I probably will onlybe able to test these amps in different places and with ancillaries I am not familiar with, that is the reason why I am asking
Yes I do think the price difference is justified but that's of course a very complex calculus for each of us. Given your speakers I think the additional power and dynamics of the Ref 1000s are a better but. I don't know the Nuforce except what I've read about it.

For what it is worth, I bought my S300 (for my rear surrounds) from a fellow Audiogoner who had auditioned it against the REf1000s for his front speakers. He wanted to save money and keep the S300, but he ended up unloading the S300 and keeping the Ref1000s.

Hope this helps.

Many thanks Dgaylin,
I will be audioning the Ref 1000 and the S3000 tomorrow (5 hours of train round trip!), although unfortunately again with CDP and speakers I have never heard. Life for audiophiles is not so easy here in the UK.
I will then try the new Nuforce SE v2 and then I'll make my choice. Will keep posted