Shindo and synergistic components

I know many Shindo enthusiasts are in for the whole system - pre/amp/speakers. But for those with just a preamp from Shindo, what amps are you using with it? I'm particularly interested in higher power amplifiers (ie 60wpc +).

Or if there are owners of the Shindo Sinhonias (40wpc I think) - what speakers are you using?

I'm considering their pre amps, but their power amps may be a touch short of the power I'd like to have, so I'm exploring synergistic high power amp matches with the Shindos. The preamps being considered are the Monbrison or the Masseto.

I had my cake and ate it too!

Didn't realize you have Parsifals.

I have Verity Fidelio Encores with a 20W Shindo and it's a wonderful combination. Have you heard Shindo amps with your speakers? If not, you might be pleasantly surprised. The Fidelio’s and a Shindo 10W sounded mighty good too. I have a largish room and needed a wee bit more juice for some music. Also, you may want to correspond with John Quick US Sales for Verity on this subject. I did when I was upgrading amplifiers and he was open minded, honest, very helpful, and quite smitten with Shindo/Verity combinations. Drop Jonathan Halpern a line as well. He know's the Shindo/Verity combination well and can provide insight.

I know the Shinhonia monoblocks are expensive, but they are incredible sounding amps. Some of the best.
Lokie: wasn't meant to be a criticism, just include a "sigh" in front - a statement of fact indeed.

I think Verity showed their product with the pyramids b/c it's new and sounds decent. They still have 50w VPAs in their own listening room (along with Wavac) - all lower "power" options. They showed their Lohengrin with Artemis SETs I believe (15-20wpc?).

Timothy_m: Fidelios are certainly easier to drive, but still good to see 20W doing it for you. I've been spending time with Julien on ideas, tweaks, room placement - a true (and patient) gentleman; and I've certainly been in touch with Jonathan (another gentleman). Now, what pre and amp did you get? What did it replace?

Hatari, I went for the Monbrison and Haut-Brion w/Auditorium 23 speaker cables. This combo drives the Fidelios with ease. While my room is "largish" in volume, it is lively. I've been careful to acoustically treat it with the help of ASC without sucking the life out of it. I believe Verity folks tend to like a livelier room versus an over damped one too.

What amp does Jonathan recommended for you? Have you heard your speakers with any of the Shino amps?

If you really need more power, you may want to hear the CJ LP70. Sounds excellent with a Shindo preamp.
Hatari, San Francisco is home to a dealer who represents both Verity and Shindo. Contact Matt at Pitch Perfect Audio. While you've already received some excellent suggestions in this thread, I am sure Matt's experience will really help you determine the best fit for the Verity's.

Plus, I think he'll be receiving the Corton Charlemagne 80 mono blocks some time soon (he may already have them).
Timothy: where did you try the CJ LP70 with Shindo... which pre was used? Very interesting combo. The LP70 is roughly same power as the Corton Charlemagne 80, at half the price point. A very interesting, but risky, proposition (in that I can't hear it unless I've bought it).

Bwhite: I"m in touch with Matt, but can't go down there in the near future unfortunately.

It is the Corton Charlemagne that are under consideration for the Verity. There are three dealers carrying Shindo and Verity in the US it seems.