Shindo and synergistic components

I know many Shindo enthusiasts are in for the whole system - pre/amp/speakers. But for those with just a preamp from Shindo, what amps are you using with it? I'm particularly interested in higher power amplifiers (ie 60wpc +).

Or if there are owners of the Shindo Sinhonias (40wpc I think) - what speakers are you using?

I'm considering their pre amps, but their power amps may be a touch short of the power I'd like to have, so I'm exploring synergistic high power amp matches with the Shindos. The preamps being considered are the Monbrison or the Masseto.

The 103R is an very good match with the Monbrison and outstanding when you add the Auditorium 23 transformer ---just like the boys at 6 moons said. And I don't worry about it with my 9 and 6 year olds.
What exactly does the Auditorium 23 transformer do? Is this the same as the Shindo transformer?
The A23 transformer is a phono step-up transformer. In this case, the one Aronsss uses is the one optimized for a Denon or EMT cartridge. The stock transformers in Shindo preamps are optimized for use with the Shindo modified SPU or other really low impedance cartridges. I owned the A23 transformer for a about a month and it was fantastic with an EMT JSD5 cartridge.

Shindo makes an outboard step up transformer called the Arome. Similar concept but also optimized for an SPU.
Anyone know the price of the Shindo modified SPU? It would be cool if you could put this cartridge on a resonable priced arm and table (say sub $4,000 all in) which would have similar sonic qualities of the Shindo Garrard 301. Anyone try to build a poor mans SG 301?
The Shindo SPU is $3250 and a rebuild from an existing SPU-A s $2850.

The Shindo SPU uses a standard Ortofon mount so any arm with an Ortofon bayonet should be able to mount the cartridge. You must bear in mind that the SPU-A mount is shorter than the SPU-G. You may have to modify the arm mounting to get the right overhang on mnay set-ups.

Also, Shindo is probably going to stop selling complete Shindo SPUs without a Shindo 301 table. The SPU-A bodies are getting scarce. Ortofon will stop making SPU-A pretty soon. I have my order in for the last run. You can however acquire a SPU-A body and have Shindo rebuild them into a Shindo SPU.