Pass Labs xa - .5 amps

Has anyone compared the new Pass XA-30.5 stereo amp to the XA-60.5 mono amps? Interested to hear your impressions. I am considering one (or two) these for use with my ML Vantage speakers. Thanks.

Bob R.
Mozvz, I responded earlier when you asked about the CJ ACT 2s synergy with the Pass. In a word, wonderful.

With the 100.5's on the Maggies now, I moved the 30.5 into my home office as an experiment. I've had the Cain and Cain Super Abbys in there for several years now and always got the best out of them with tube amps, especially SET's. The Abbys are a single driver/no crossover/fostex kind of speaker. Solid state made them sound hard and actually lose bass. Pass Labs and Mark at Renohifi both thought the 30.5 would pair nicely. I didn't think so. I was wrong. I'm listening to them now as I type. In three words: beautiful, relaxed and detailed. The XA30.5 is really a sweet amp.

Based on what you've said so far, I think you would be very happy with it.


Thank you for the updated information. I am still sifting through the choices with different scenarios in an equipment change/s.

It's also good to know the single ended connections are not any different then the balanced if I keep my CJ Act 2. Thanks Tvad..
It's also good to know the single ended connections are not any different then the balanced if I keep my CJ Act 2. Thanks Tvad..
Mozvz (Answers)
Just to be clear for those who might not read every post in the thread, I did not state that the single ended connections are not any different than the balanced connections.

What I said was that I noticed minimal difference (sonically) between them in my system.

Understood on your correction comment about the single ended and balanced having MINIMAL differences. I was NOT trying to take your words and place them in a misconstrued context as it came across in my post. Apology extend.

Minimal Differences.. Minimal Differences..
My earlier comment about sound superiority when compared the XA60.5 against a Stereophile Class A amplifier was based on using single-ended connection. My preamp is also in the Stereophile Class A category. Its manufacturer has a radical viewpoint that balanced connection does not make a difference in light of their well crafted circuitry. So back then there was that lingering thought about perhaps my preamp could be eclipsed by an different preamp of equivalent pricing but with balanced connection. I am known to be picky and difficult on just about anything, even as my preamp sounds pretty good and is well respected by enough professional reviewers. Yet after getting the pair of XA60.5 and am so surprised at their performance, I have resigned my concern.

The point here is more about Class A amplifier than about Pass Lab. I just dive right into Pass because they are the measuring stick and the bridging gap when people attempt to compare solid state amplifiers to tube amplifiers, with each category having its own strengths. But I would think a few upper-end Class A amplifiers beside Pass could somewhat portray what I am talking about.
Unsound you are correct in theory. The good news is that most companies which bother to produce such unwieldy beasts also care more than usual about quality because these are not produced for average audiophiles but for real old school die hards who don't care about size, heat, looks, efficiency or the latest " review". Spatine there are many well executed pure class a designs even though I admire Nelson Pass designs and have enjoyed talking to him from time to time about all things audio. - Jim