Where are you today?

I am curious how many of you have switched from solid state to tubes or vice-versa and why, maybe you haved moved onto an integrated amp. Are you satisfied with what are you currently using and is this gear keeping you happy. Or for some of you, is the current state of the economy effecting your purchases?
I've been enjoying the liquid mid-range/3D imaging/transparency/realism of a tubed top-end(Cary SLM100's, modded) and the speed/definition/extension/power of a MOS-FET bottom-end for the past 19yrs(was a Hafler DH-500, now a TransNova 9505, both modded). The last combination included a Placette Passive Linestage and a Dahlquist DQ-LP1(modded, that had been in my system since 1981, for lack of anything in the marketplace to better it). My latest system iteration has replaced those last two pieces with a TacT RCS 2.2Xaaa. I eschewed signal manipulation and all things digital(in the home audio environment) for many years. The TacT(soon to be modded) represents a major paradigm shift, but one that has yielded major sonic(and flexibilty) benefits. Hopefully- The NOS Holy Grail tubes everything is stuffed with will provide the 10kHrs they are rated for, so I won't have to mortgage the house to replace them(TungSol 6SN7GT round plates, Sylvania 6SN7W tall bottles, six Siemens CCa's). The only thing I can see having to replace might be in the Source Dept, if/when technology takes a quantum leap there.
Moved to tubes and have not looked back;I can not find the midrange magic in solid state that I have in tubes,but I have never listened to the elite of the elite of solid state,so it may exist and I just don't know about it.
I am looking someday to try the OTL route with ralph's (atmasphere)amps driving my soundlabs.
I started out with SS (APT Holman, Electron Kinetics) then went to tubes (Quicksilver) then I went back to SS (Plinius), then went back to tubes (BAT). I am thoroughly satisfied with my current tube amp, although sometimes I could use a bit more power for those "special moments". I do not feel the need to upgrade at this time, so economy has not affected me with regards to audiophilia.
I am currently going through changing out my entire system. Assuming things sell for anywhere near I think they should. Speakers are sold (have deposit) and next will be amp and pre-amp; keeping my cd player and cabling for now. I am down sizing because I don't listen enough to justify the money I have sitting there.
Portal Paladin SS monoblocks and VTL 2.5 tube preamp and tube phono stage driving Magneplanar 1.6s. Simply a wonderful system.