Spectron Musician III SE Mk.2? What Changed?

I see at the Spectron site that they have released a Mark 2 edition of the Musician III SE. But there isn't any discussion of what has actually changed in the amp besides the price, which is now $7195 up from $6495. If anyone knows what the new changes are, I would really love to know.
Maybe this is a ploy to draw more attention to the company and product. I mean if he hadnt have responded this way..how far would this thread have really gone? As I mentioned before, i dont think he meant any harm. He is a musician/engineer/audiophile. He is not the best customer service rep who speaks in a forum. But when i talked to him on the phone, he didnt seem to be short with his answers. I mean i don't think its right to burn someone at the stake over 1 reply in a forum even though it was kinda dry. We all have said something we should have responded differently about. Look at our politicians. They make verbal blunders all the time. It doesnt mean they arent good for the job or can or cant run our country. We are still going to vote for one of them.

I gues i can leave this that subject up for another thread. Eiether way, hopefully we all can learn something from this. Including Spectron.

I was not complaining.Clearly you tried to find this in my post and misinterpreted.

I am simply sharing my experience dealing with Spectron through Simon.
He was eager to help if needed reasonable service but unable to comment on certain aspects of the amplifier and it ended there.
I realize the II is before his time and I clearly said that already.

I agree that being able to contact the representative directly is nice,in fact Simon has repeatedly called me too about some other related matters.

Like I said,if the product were not so appealing this would not even have my interest.

This is the first I have heard of any product having "no fidelity to the true acoustic music"
That is some endorsement.

Pass judgement on yourself if you need to pass it at all.

Yet, Tvad's states, here in this thread, in writing that Spectron shows no support for older products!
Dob (Reviews | Threads | Answers)
No. I did not state this. Read more carefully.
Bravo, Dob.

This whole thing has been blown out of proportion. Talk about a tempest in a teapot.

I don't own a Spectron, but I would like to try one. Simon's attempt at humor or sarcasm, whichever, wouldn't affect my decision to buy a Spectron one bit. From the many posts on audio forums all over the internet, it seems that Spectron's customer service is outstanding. And apparently the Musician III SE is incredible sounding.

I can think of numerous audio companies that truly deserve the scorn and condemnation that has been bandied about here, but I don't think Spectron is one of them.
Simon's post was smug and sarcastic. His poor attempt at humor was unfortunate and perhaps a ghostwriter at Spectron should "edit" his submissions.

However, if one looks at the product reviews and owner's comments, it would be disingenuous not to consider Spectron. I have never auditioned any of the products but would welcome the opportunity.

For a potential buyer to eliminate Spectron based solely on Simon's gaff, is an extremely thin skinned reaction IMO.