Tube amp for "difficult" speakers,,,

I have a pair of Consequence Dynaudio, mk 2. They work well with my s-state 2x600 watts amp and sounds great esp at large volume levels. But I want to switch to tubes, and even triode if possible. Is good tube amplification unrealistic with these 83 db sensitivity speakers? I am probably not the only one with somewhat "difficult" speakers so all advice is welcome.
Microstrip brings more user experience into this thread - experience much in line with my own. When you get these speakers to work, you dont want to part with them. My Krell fpb600 is a good match, although not perfect. I want to thank the contributors in the thread. I will try tube amps when I get the chance.
Borrowed a pair of Quicksilver 2 x 60 watt p-pull monoblocs from a friend. Didn't make it. Not surprising. These are good amps and didn't sound so openly "strained" - but clearly, they didn't grab the speakers in the full way that the s-state does. After two days my family said, why dont you put the old one back. I agreed.
Has anyone here tried either the Moscode 401HR [200wpc RMS 8R, 300wpc+ RMS 4R, can be vertically Bi-amped] or the Butler Audio TDB 2250 [250wpc RMS, 8R, 400wps RMS 4R, 800W bridged (mono)] into a low sensitivity circa 83dB loudspeakers with impedance dip to 2R at 20KHz?

Both are hybrid design which whilst giving a valve flavor marry SS in order to provision the power required to drive difficult loads.
Haven't tried them. Can only report back from a Quiksilver monobloc 2 x 60 amp solution, so far. They did not make it, compared to the krell 600, driving the Dynaudio Consequence. Suspect i would need 400 tube watts or more for these speakers.