Pass Labs XP-10 & XP-20 preamps

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has heard the new Pass Labs preamps: the XP-10 & the XP-20? I wonder how they would compare to the Jeff Rowland Capri preamp? Thank you. Stan
I am very familiar with JRDG Capri, but have not heard the Pass XP-10 or XP-20. . . A live a/b comparison would be very interesting indeed. G.
The XP 20 is introduced in The Netherlands on 6th oktober 2008 en in Belgium 15th oktober 2008. I have not yet spoken to people who listened.
I did speak to several people who listenend to the XP10.
The XP10 was introduced in Europe in april or may 2008.

Everybody is amazed en very enthousiastic. It is a futher major step forward compared to the X pre amplifiers. These are the comments i have heard: it brings you right in to the music, stage en 3d is enourmous, bass is great, it is very transparent, great details, air around the instruments, neutral colloration.
Allthough the X1 and X 0.2 are both great pre's, they all say that the XP10 is a huge step forward.

I recon that the XP20 will be a furter step.

I will listen to the equipment very soon.

Regards, Michael.

I traded in my X0.2 for the new XP-10. Babydoc is absolutely right. I did not think it could get much better, but it beat my X0.2. I use it with an XA30.5 and love them both.

As I was browsing for information on the Pass XP-20, I found this web site with a German review of the XP-20. Just copy and paste the url into your browser and it should translate into English.