Pass Labs XP-10 & XP-20 preamps

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has heard the new Pass Labs preamps: the XP-10 & the XP-20? I wonder how they would compare to the Jeff Rowland Capri preamp? Thank you. Stan

I traded in my X0.2 for the new XP-10. Babydoc is absolutely right. I did not think it could get much better, but it beat my X0.2. I use it with an XA30.5 and love them both.

As I was browsing for information on the Pass XP-20, I found this web site with a German review of the XP-20. Just copy and paste the url into your browser and it should translate into English.
"The Absolute Sound" magazine just published a thorough review of the PASS XP20 (& XA160.5) in their current April/May issue. The Reviewer claimed both components to be among the best available and bought both! PASS has knocked-the-cover-off-the-ball with their current line-up.
I heard both the XP-10 and XP -20 extensively just a week ago. The X-P-20 was part of a system that used the XA 100.5 monos and X 600.5 monos.

I got to try the X-P10 in my system. Sorry folks, but the Fire preamp I am using in my system was the Clear winner.