6922 Recommendation for my BAT VK-3iX Preamp

Can someone recommend a set of good 6922s for my BAT VK-3iX? Currently, I have NOS Tesla goldpin ECC88s. They sound good especially for piano music. However, violin music still has room to improve. I am wondering if getting a set of different 6922s will improve the violin, without degrading piano of course. :-)

I would try Amperec tubes, but I'm not sure how much of an improvement in this area you will gain with a different set of tubes.

But I think you will get what you want with a different preamp. Swapping tubes may be cool, but I kind of doubt it will be a long term solution.
Very thoughtful posts....Rodman has got it pretty much dead on.Particular tastes will determine the final outcome,though.

Best advice-----Experiment!

Good luck
Another thought. You might consider using 7DJ8 tubes, basically a 7 volt rated 6922/6DJ8. Some circuits may not be compatible, but I've never encountered a problem with the substitution. The construction of the two tube types is supposed to be identical. The prices on primo 7DJ8s are also about a quarter of what you would pay for a comparable 6DJ8.