High end Audio for ladies? Check this out

I came across this web site by accident. What a refreshing idea.....


Comments anyone ?
hi pookie10:

is it possible that your experiences have not been representative of audio professionals, but rather represent a minority of audio professionals ? perhaps you might consider them audio rednecks.

there are intolerant people in all professions, but they are not the majority.
i am not doubting the veracity of your anecdotal observations. however, most business persons are motivated by self preservation, i.e., generating a profit from their endeavors. thus it is counterproductive to antagonize a customer and not make a sale.
Mrtennis - Here's a thread that suggests you are wrong about audio dealers.

Pookie10... I am a 37 year old metrosexual who is pretty hot...at least that is what my wife tells me. And I have large powerful tubes!!!!
This is what happens when you leave your computer unattended and a 14 year old decides to post in your forum for fun!
it is never a good idea to generalize. i can cite several honorable and consumer-friendly audio dealers, to counter the unpleasant experiences of others. what does that prove ?

it's fair to say that every barrel has some rotten apples.
that's obvious.
"high end audio systems designed by women...just for women"
Isn't this discrimination ?
sounds like it to me.