High end Audio for ladies? Check this out

I came across this web site by accident. What a refreshing idea.....


Comments anyone ?
it is never a good idea to generalize. i can cite several honorable and consumer-friendly audio dealers, to counter the unpleasant experiences of others. what does that prove ?

it's fair to say that every barrel has some rotten apples.
that's obvious.
"high end audio systems designed by women...just for women"
Isn't this discrimination ?
sounds like it to me.
Superhonestben - You'll have to catch her in the act. Offer to buy something and see if you can bait her into turning down your money based on gender. No fair disguising your voice.
Mrtennis: is it *never* a good idea to generalize? Are you saying that it is ALWAYS good to avoid generalization? Sorry, just had to point out the performative contradiction there.

Oh, I agree with Pookie that the shoe is over the top.
what i meant to say is: generalizations based upon experience are usually incorrect. such generalizations are based upon induction. the results of induction can be disproven by one example, whereas the results of induction cannot be proven.

thank you for your observation.