High end Audio for ladies? Check this out

I came across this web site by accident. What a refreshing idea.....


Comments anyone ?
Mrtennis: is it *never* a good idea to generalize? Are you saying that it is ALWAYS good to avoid generalization? Sorry, just had to point out the performative contradiction there.

Oh, I agree with Pookie that the shoe is over the top.
what i meant to say is: generalizations based upon experience are usually incorrect. such generalizations are based upon induction. the results of induction can be disproven by one example, whereas the results of induction cannot be proven.

thank you for your observation.
hi superhonestben:

designing audio systems by women for women does not preclude male purchasers, just as designing stereo systems by men for men does not preclude the possibility that women will want to own them.

in either case there is no discrimination. neither men nor women would be prevented from buying the aforementioned stereo systems, if they were avaiable to both genders, without any restrictions.
Mrty...keep it simple will you ? This isn't Harvard psychlology class here. Speaking only for myself and my own personal experience, good friendly audio shops have been the exception, not the rule, at least for me. Now that's my personnal view. As for my professionnal view (with my consulting work in the last 15 years) I pretty much come to the same conclusions. I understand that this might be hard to understand for some folks who happen to have a nice, friendly hi-fi store close by. God bless them.
whether audio salesman are personable or supercilious, the question is can you buy what you want at a fair price, in spite of attitude problems ?

i believe if you are negotiator, you can deflect any negativity on the part of salespersons or store owners, they want to sell and hopefully, they can entice you to buy. its all business, nothing personal.