Bryston 14B-SST or Pass Labs X 350.5

I am looking for a new amplifier and am torn between the Bryston and Pass Labs. I do not have the ability to audition both otherwise I would do that. I would appreciate some thoughts from others. Thanks for the help!

Current System:

Kef Reference 205/2's
Modwright Transporter
Modwright LS 36.5
Synergistic Research Tesla cables
Hi Rydenfan, I have a hunch that you are Ted B's good friend. I have listened/auditioned both Bryston and Pass Labs over the years, and still believe that the Pass X.5, XA and XA.5 series are some the most musical and natural sounding SS amps I have ever heard. Take a look at my reviews of the 350.5 and XA-100's here on the GON for the details. I actually left a message for Ted last friday that there was a pair of 600.5 monoblocks here on the GON that was in your budget, which would make your Kef 205/2's sing like a very musical bird, indeed!
I owned a 14B SST, and presently own Pass Labs XA-60.5. Not apples to apples with a X-350.5, but I'd put my money on the Pass Labs over the 14B SST (which is an excellent amp in its own right).

Pass Labs has a naturalness to its sound that I have yet to hear matched by any other solid state amplifier. At the same time, the Pass Labs has bass control and definition equal to Bryston.