Bryston 14B-SST or Pass Labs X 350.5

I am looking for a new amplifier and am torn between the Bryston and Pass Labs. I do not have the ability to audition both otherwise I would do that. I would appreciate some thoughts from others. Thanks for the help!

Current System:

Kef Reference 205/2's
Modwright Transporter
Modwright LS 36.5
Synergistic Research Tesla cables
In the past I have heard that the Pass' have incredible midrange but they do not have good woofer and thus bass control.
Rydenfan (Threads | Answers)

All I can say is with my XA-.5 series amps, this is not the case. The XA-.5 and X-.5 should perform equally well in the bass department as they both double power output as speaker impedance is halved.

On the other hand, Bryston amps control bass incredible well regardless of the version.

Pick one...or one of the others mentioned.

The bottom line is you won't know how any of these amps perform in your system until you install one or two.

Buy a used version of whichever amp you select, and your risk is substantially reduced. Bryston, Pass Labs, McIntosh and Ayre all have excellent resale value on the used market.
Let me echo Tvad. I have not been able to hear either in my own system but from other sources it is clear that their design philosophy is quite different and their sound is quite unalike. Pass has their own sound, class A has a midrange that you can't get from AB. In the past I used Krell, Musical Fidelity and Stax class A amps. I now use AB, Musical Fidelity and Meridian. The main thing is to decide what your sonic priorities are, no amp is the best at everything. If you can't audition them at home read the reviews and see which of them matches what you are looking for. And Buy Used, a high quality amp has a long life. I have a Tandberg 3026 that I bought used as a sub amp 15 years ago and it still works fine.
I used to own Pass X-600 mono's with a an X-1 preamp driving my B%W 800's and switched to the much less expensive Bryston 7B-SST mono's and BP-26 preamp with the same speaker setup. I was hoping the Bryston set-up would still be in the same ballpark as the Pass X series. Unbelievably, the Bryston gear blew the Pass stuff away in almost every way. Now, I have owned and enjoyed Nelson's equipment for many years, so you can imagine how shocked I was that this was the case. The 14B-SST is very similar to my mono's and would imagine it sounds excellent as well. Oh, and the 20 year warranty doesn't hurt its long-term value either.
Given there was a slight design change within the 14B-SST amp commonly known as the "Swedish choke" if buying used you want to make sure you get the most recent version. I believe this "mod" was incorporated after unit serial # 505 (can be confirmed by Bryston). You can have an older version updated but of course the mod will cost you (around $250) as well as freight both ways so look for a more recent amp.

Also if buying used you want to review Bryston's warranty info on their website. Gear made after a specific date must have the original invoice to ensure the 20 year transferable warranty.