ARC LS26 versus Cary SLP-05

I am trying to figure out a preamp for a system that I am putting together. While I know I may have to do some selling and swapping to get the right fit, I am trying to minimize the amount of that I have to do. Here is the system: Magnepan 20.1 (on order), Cary 500MB (500w/ch solid state monoblocks), Cary 306 Professional SACD/CD player, and amp tbd. I have a local ARC dealer (from whom I am buying the Maggies) who can arrange an in house tryout for an ARC LS17 as he has that in stock, but not the 26 which seems like is universally praised. I do like the sound of the LS17 as I heard it being fed by a dcs stack ($50,000!). Anyway, I listen to primarily classical (all sorts) with some jazz thrown in. I have extensive experience in live classical music performance (as a participant) and value sound that is musical, lifelike, not harsh in the highs, and with a realistic soundstage (one of the main attractions of the maggies). Price seems about equal for these two units on the used market. I could buy a Cary, audition an LS17, and sell the Cary if I liked the ARC better, but then I would feel guilty not buying from the ARC dealer and, of course, then the LS26 would be more $$. Anyway, thanks for any thoughts.
I've just added an LS-26 to my system, running it into a 150.2. Simply fantastic. I would echo what has been said here and elsewhere--the LS-26 is a beautifully made, well designed, great sounding preamp. Having said that, I have found that pairing components from like manufacturers has it's benefits and so would advise you to look carefully at the Cary.
I am surprised by the landslide voting results thus far! I figured more would say that both are great but for "synergy" get the Cary or some such. Also, the 05 is Cary's top of the line compared to the LS26 which is one down from ARC's top. I guess that most feel that the LS26 really does represent a value for its price and can hang in there with the heavy weights. A reference 3 would be even better, I guess, but I think the price is a tad high for me. I have read that a new Reference model might be coming--perhaps at CES, but this is just conjecture. Perhaps I should hold off a couple of weeks and see as that might influence the market for second hand Ref 3's....
I was wondering how many of the LS26 fans have spent time comparing it to the Cary 05, and why they like the LS26 so much more?
I have heard the Cary in a Cary system and the music was very good.
I have an all-Cary front end (CD 306, SLP-05, CAD-211AE) and at times I have felt that the music has a bit too much "Cary-ness". I have managed to dry up the sound a bit by tube rolling, so the balance now is close to where I want it. Depending on the balance of your system, you may suffer the same problem if you get the SLP-05. You decide whether you want your system to have more of that Cary sound or less :)

By the way - are you running balanced I/C's? My system made a vast improvement going from RCA to XLR. So much more dynamic. I can't speak for the LS26, but if you get the SLP-05, make sure you run it balanced.

Cheers and Merry Xmas to you :)
Thanks for the comments, Amfibius. Yes, I fully intend to run balanced. It may, for reasons of WAF (or SAF) be necessary to run 15-25 feet from preamp to amps so I will definitely want to be running balanced. It may not, but I don't see any reason to not used balanced connectors.

Thanks and best wishes to you (and all) for a happy holiday season:)