Amp for Soliloquy 5.3i floor standing speaker?

I have a pair of Soliloquy 5.3i floor standing speaker and Jolida 1501RC integrated amp. But, recently I sold the Jolida amp and want to buy another integrated amp. I'd like to ask any member to recommend alternative integrated amps for Soliloquy 5.3i speakers. Thank you in advance.
I could be wrong , the story that I heard was that Mr. Had wanted a speaker designed to work with his equipment . He later tired of the speaker buisness and sold that part of his empire .
The new owner ran it for a number of years then sold it to a guy that works for Monster cable . He had his family handling the day-to-day operations untill they finally went out of buisness .

I have not owned the 5.3i's but did have the 6.2i's and had pretty good success with an Audio Aero Prima Integrated amp . It is a hybrid with a mossfet output . I also ran a Cayin A88 T tubed integrated with good results as well . Both of these are 40w amps .

While they may not be SET friendly I don't believe they require copious amounts of power either . YMMV.

Good luck .
Saki70's recollection is close to mine.

Just wanted to mention a little tidbit about the 5.3's. The two woofers are wired out of phase from eachother. I heard that from the dealer who sold me my 5.0 monitors, as well as a guy who worked at Cary Audio in the late 90's.


I had a 6.3, and agree: no tubes! The amp will sound pretty fat. Tried AES Sixpacs with little luck. I ran my McCormack DNA-125 and it sounded very full, but still detailed. Probably either a lean tube sound, or a good SS amp is best. And, they need a bit of current to keep control of the woofers. I actually had great sound with a C-J MF2200 amp as well.

If looking at integrateds (your budget wasn't stated) then perhaps a fairly high current model like the Karan will bring out great things, or Simaudio I-7 perhaps.