Amp for Soliloquy 5.3i floor standing speaker?

I have a pair of Soliloquy 5.3i floor standing speaker and Jolida 1501RC integrated amp. But, recently I sold the Jolida amp and want to buy another integrated amp. I'd like to ask any member to recommend alternative integrated amps for Soliloquy 5.3i speakers. Thank you in advance.
Saki70's recollection is close to mine.

Just wanted to mention a little tidbit about the 5.3's. The two woofers are wired out of phase from eachother. I heard that from the dealer who sold me my 5.0 monitors, as well as a guy who worked at Cary Audio in the late 90's.


I had a 6.3, and agree: no tubes! The amp will sound pretty fat. Tried AES Sixpacs with little luck. I ran my McCormack DNA-125 and it sounded very full, but still detailed. Probably either a lean tube sound, or a good SS amp is best. And, they need a bit of current to keep control of the woofers. I actually had great sound with a C-J MF2200 amp as well.

If looking at integrateds (your budget wasn't stated) then perhaps a fairly high current model like the Karan will bring out great things, or Simaudio I-7 perhaps.