Why does Cary Audio keep discontinuing good amps?

Is this to keep us buying from them? Why not upgrade good designs?
I understand planned obsolescence, but look at companies like Audio Research. They keep improving on good designs with MkI, II, II, etc. This makes more sense.

I wonder if some of Cary's designs are not so good, or they didn't sell well, while the better ones stay around a little longer until Dennis Had gets restless. Anyway it is frustrating to know which were good and which were mediocre.
Upgrading doesn't satisfy everyone either, check out some of the ARC threads. There are a great deal of ARC owners that are miffed because ARC continues to upgrade their designs more than other companies. Let's face it, technology is changing very rapidly and companies need revenue to survive, just the way it is! I am okay with it as long as they continue to service the obsolete component.
A large manudacturer makes amplifier 'X' that has an appeal to a finite number of folks who buy them. After the initial sales period the demand is reduced to a trickle, so the manufacturer has two options, 1)Bring out something 'new' or 2)Bring out a revision/upgrade/improved version.

When a company has produced an outstanding design it will often offer improved versions relying of the rep of the original version to encourage sales. When the company has produced an ordinary product it will come out with a 'new' design and rely on sales from its overall rep for producing interesting products.

Cyclonicman is right - this all makes little difference so long as the manufacturer remains in business and is will ing to service their stuff (and you do due dillegence re the products actual performance before you buy).

The idea is to actually dump the amps once they met the expense building them. After paying off the cost of the production run and having made some money the remasining amps are free to them or as some might put it just gravy.
On the hand if they have a real winner they don't mness with it, For insrtance the SLP-05. You and I can probably get it for a few bucks off listat Upscale but not 40% off. Of topic kevin dfeal takes a really fair msrp will tell you that all he has is the Jaguar special paint edition with the kopndo platiunum in bonsia olive tree oil and paper made by hand that he personally winds Caps plus ther se , ex, sq, mods . all of this was custom made for his store atthe cary factory and obviously it ends up costing 100% over the or in reality a few grand more than the plain one. No unmodded are available. In addition since that is a very appealing preamp I watch the price and Mr. Had keeps raising it.
So even Cary will hang on to to a hot seller. In the current economy the days of preamps that cost that much are over. Thank goodness he still has some plain AE-3s for $550.-