How much difference in sound?

I have a lower end amp ( Parasound 5125 ). How much sound difference would I hear with say, a $1000 or $1500 or even a $2000 used amp? I'm trying to slowly move up in quality , but I want to make sure I can hear the move up.

I also have a Nad C720 Bee
Any suggestions on a cdp that will be a nice piece in the system if I do choose to upgrade the amps in the future?
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Bob's got some good ideas there for you Gary.

Just what sort of sound do you prefer, to begin with? high res & detailed? neutral and balanced throughout? Warmish? Fat and lush? Quick and dynamic? Loud listening levels? All rock all the time? Opera only? Just small jazz groups with female singers between the ages of 22 & 31, that have a vibrphone & upright bass player?

Big room? gonna use a sub? con speakers or panels in your future?

If you stay mainstream, with cone driver speakers, having moderate eff (87-90db) with decent impedance curves, then a 100-200wpc amp should be fine enough. Improving upon the 2125 also shouldn't be too difficult. mcCormack's upper end stuff perhaps, BAT's SS amps for sure, Pass labs might suit you too. Ayre does a good job, as well as Belles.

With only $1000 - $1500, I'd also look 'used' (which I do in fact... look used) first. new? bob said ATI & I'd say Odyssey... both will save ya some $$$ and put ya under that $1500 line. Easy.

But in all, your biggest bang here and now is gonna come from the front end or the speakers... and a good source can be had cheaper than really good speakers, and why I keep pointing towards that end here. Either of BR's ideas on CD + DAC are good indeed... I like the Lavry DA 10 myself. maybe with a Rega or CJ player... or even with an Oppo!

There's a thought... the new Blue ray player from Oppo is about to ship... around $500. Add either a Bench mark or Lavry DA10, a Stereovox xv2 cable, and you'll have a multi format disc player that'll do virtually every disc format, (though not dVD audio immediately... they're gonna add that via firmware later), a great DAC and really, really good coax/BNC cale ... all for under or right at $1500.

Less if you choose a lesser Oppo player.

Be well & have fun picking....

I would suggest to get a nice external DAC instead of another CDP. I currently am enjoying a Valab NOS DAC from ebay. Check it out on for more info/impressions. This unit displaced a very popular DAC in the $2K range in my system. Unless of course if your CD can't do justice as a transport.

If you upgrade the CD player, and cables ( unless you already have good ones ), you might not need to upgrade other parts of the chain.

I like the NAD/PSB combo.

I would try this before the amp.