bryston 4b sst- could you or should you turn

Looking at a bryston 4b sst amp , but I am the type of person that does not leave anything ( lights, etc. ) on when not in use. Can I turn this amp off when not in use and just turn in on when in use, maybe a couple of hours per day or should I look for a different amp that does not require to be left on all the time?

Turn it on when you want to and don't worry about the small benefits of leaving
it on 24/7. The amp should sound good immediately and improve for about the
first 30 to 45 minutes.

If you want a "green" amp you can leave on 24/7, then you need to
consider a digital/chip amp. However, you should only consider amps that
double power output as loudspeaker impedance is halved so the performance
will equal the performance 4B SST into all loads.