Audible Illusions Modulus 3 and Rogue M-120 Okay?

Would like comments on compatibility of the Audible Illusions Modulus 3 (not 3a) and the Rogue Audio Magnum M-120 mono blocks. I already have the Rogue mono blocks and am thinking of using the Audible Illusions Modulus 3.
They'll match fine impedance wise.

Sound wise, I have a similar set-up in terms of the sound sound characteristics of the components: AI L1 and Rogue Magnum 88. In a nutshell, the combo is very dynamic, has lots of body, and enough tube "tone" so that you know it's not solid state.

All AI preamps are voiced pretty clean but the earlier AI preamps, e.g. Mod 3, are supposed to be warmer sounding than the later ones. Rogue amps are very clean sounding (that's why they're so great for rock) - - a Mod 3 might have that extra bit of tube warmth/body/tone that'll make an extremely good match with M-120s.

But... it all depends on what type of sound you want to get from your system.
A local Audiogon seller let me try out his Audible Illusions L2. The match was quite good, however, the background hissing from the preamp was so prominent through the speakers - even when playing music at normal easy listening levels. You have to turn up the volume to not hear it. I ended up returning it.
Morgandogge, AI preamps have reputation for being very quite. Suggest you tell the owner to buy a good set of tubes.