Krell Power Consumption


I'm a bit new to ultra high end. I'm considering a Krell Evolution 402. One thing that jumps out at me is the power consumption in standby. The manual says it draws over 300 watts in stand by and recommends that you leave it on all the time. 300 watts 24/7. Good grief. Is this bogus or just the price you pay for a serious amplifier?

thanks for any advise.
Ag insider logo xs@2xwrf
I subsequently went to ARC stuff and sold that as well. Decided to drop out of the super high end club for awhile after the recent dissapointments, although I must say that the so called cheapo integrated has been one of my most beloved components (400xi not the S300i). The integrated does for me what the Sophias deliver compared to the Wilson lineup...purity, tonal accuracy and balance:O) My cheapo system has actually been my most satisfying in recent years. Maybe Wilson Watt/puppy's coming out soon and I haven't tried Pass Labs or Ayre yet?
Dave_b, I hear ya! Sometimes I enjoy my interim systems the best, even though I know they are not as technically good. I chalk that up to the scenario that since it didn't cost me an arm and a leg (so to speak) that my critical listening expectations are not quite at the same level and I just relax and enjoy the MUSIC. Like you I have gone from mid-fi's quest for the best to some pretty high Q gear, then to SET, to moderate levels and working back up again.

Performance wise, my favorite has been when I had the DCS stack, Calypso pre, Krell FPB 300C and Watt/Puppies 5.1. I had few complaints about that system and could bury myself in the music that enveloped me. Something the SET system could never do as it seemed to bore me over time (YMMV).

As to the OP, I just got off the Krell site and had the same concerns as you about the draw of the amp in standby. My power bill is about $700 in the winter and was just thinking what it would be with the 402? Not very green either in my pocket or for the environment.

I'd still like to hear comparisons from people that went from the FPB Series to the new amps - honest opinions not new buyer euphoria (which we can all be guilty of). Sometimes it is best to hear about equipment that from somebody that has already sold it off.
I am amazed!
Owned FPB 600c and KPS 25sc, sold teh combo and bought 700cx + KCT and KPS 28c. I liked the 700cx and KCT, not KPS 28c (sadly) though. Still, i have not heard EVO line in my home system, but i thought it was more musical than cx series. Weird EVOlution i must say!
I would like to hear 700cx + KCT with ARC CD8.
Good info guys.
Also would like to hear the latest top of the line Jeff Rowland power + pre.
300 WATTS at standby - is that the same as 3- 100W light bulbs being left on? Can't see where that would cost too much?
Maybe $0.15 per kW/hr is typical rate, which is 4.5 cents per hour, or $1.08 per day, which works out to about $33 / month and $400 / year.

Not everyone will be comfortable with that, but of course if you can afford the big Krells, you probably won't bat an eye.