audia flight opinions

i see this brand showing up on agon a little more often . not too many reviews, and sadly no close dealer. im very interested in the flight 50 amp, 50 watts pure class a. im using a pair of sonus faber cremona's . seems like quality gear from what info ive been able to gather, any user opinions ?
The Audia Flight 100 and 50 are both very good amps. Wide bandwidth, smooth treble and nice detail without being at all harsh. This is likely attributable to the Class A bias. The amp is very well made, has custom heat sinks and chassis rather than DIY parts and incredibly deep and tight bass. The AF100 compares favorably by spec with most any amp around its price class (2 x 700VA enclosed transformers, nearly 200,0000 µF in energy storage, WBT binding posts). It is very heavy, over 100 pounds. I had the AF50, similar with slightly less deep bass control. I still have the AF100. I found the AF100 to be a better value the the Lamm M1.2 Reference amps which I had simultaneously (the Lamms are very good, incredible tonality and nice, moderately damped bass but the build quality seems a bit tinny for the suggested retail price. I cannot impeach the sound but the build was a bit underwhelming).
About a year ago I went to the local dealer I frequent and noticed that they were now an Audia Flight dealer. I had never heard of the brand. In one of the smaller rooms they had one of the integrated amps, the middle model I think, with the matching CD player driving Dynaudio C1's with all entry level Shunyata signal cables and Shunyata power cords and the sound of this system absolutely floored me. I went back to the store recently and they still had the same system set-up. I was curious if it was maybe just something about that first time I heard the Audia Flight gear and if maybe this time around I wouldn't be impressed. Well, don't you know this system upon second listen sounded even better than I remember it sounding the first time I heard it. If I was in the market for a new simple two channel rig that wouldn't completely break the bank this would be it.
First bought Audia Flight 2 int amp in 2007. A versatile int amp which could manage from Linn Tukan with or without sub, to Sonus Faber minis like Concertino Home or Minima, to Rogers Studio 1 with respective cables. Bought Flight CD 2 in 2010. Excellent player. This year bought Flight Pre Mk 3, Flight 100 and Flight CD 1 Mk 2. Getting quite addicted to Audia's neutral, transparent, warm and relaxed sound with lightning fast reactions and very extended frequency range. No need to crank it up. Just enjoy pure class A handling of the source material with unlimited headroom. All you hear is the result of the source and speakers. Audia disappears from the chain of equipment. Recommended.
I have the pre and it is very good but I had to get rid of my house due to bad health. It is great but quite heavy and I am going to lighter equnent. If any of you are intrested  let me know and I will run an ad.