Threshold Amp and Sonic Frontiers Pre? HELP

I have a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 with a Mullard tube and I am considering an amp upgrade to a Threshold S/200 Stasis. I wondering if any of you guys have expirience with SF and Threshold. I've been very happy with a tube pre SS amp combo thus far but I know that a Nelson Pass Amp will give a lot more to my speakers than my BK-ST140.

That being said, I love the BK-ST140. Maybe one of you will convince me to keep it in? I don't know. Any thoughts on that amp with the rest of my system?

I am using a pair of Theil cs1.5 speakers and a Monarchy Audio 18b Delux DAC connected to my computer. I'm using Audioquest Coral IC's and Audioquest Gibraltar speaker cables.

Thanks so much for any thoughts or ideas.
Keep in mind that the threshold or pass will run much hotter than a b&k and probably won't get quite as loud. Threshold will sound warmer too which may soften up the 1.5's a little. I loved my threshold with my 1.2's-just leave breathing room.
Elevick, the Threshold S200 will actually paly louder than the B&K ST140. The B&K really isn't up to handling the impedance load of those Thiels. Th input impedance will on the Threshold should be a bit better with the SF than the B&K too.
I love warmer... The BK is a pretty warm amp with the MOSFET design but I don't know how it compares to the Threshold. It has more power which will make it play louder, whether I will play it louder or not is another question...maybe. Probably actually. I will step in and defend the st140 slightly in regards to impedance loads. At least with the 1.5's (which are a resistive load and only dip to 3 ohms at most) I have not noticed any problems with the amp. It only gets slightly warm when playing loud and difficult music (Stravinsky's Firebird Suite) and maintains clarity and dignity :). I will say that some of the highs can be a bit brittle when pushed hard but nothing to write home about.