Shindo Reliability

Does anyone have either good or bad experiences with reliability and servicing of Shindo gear? I'm considering an investment in some new electronics, but I'm a bit apprehensive. I've had some terrible customer service experiences with very small companies and importers in the past.

I'm a little nervous about spending so much money on electronics with limited distribution, made from vintage parts, built by a single person, in a foreign country.

Does anyone have any positive or negative experiences they would like to share regarding service and reliablity? I'm already convinced that the sound-quality is world-class.
Live a little... 2 yrs, away from the core dealers, no issues, no worries. Go for it. You can eat McD every day, it'll taste the same, guaranteed consistency, but you might want steak medium rare....
I have had a Shindo Monbrison for 3 years. It is a steller piece of equipment. I bought mine at CSA Audio and I could not be happier with the service. More importantly, you should know that the importer, Jonathan Halpern, is absolutely first class and has been available to answer any question that I have in connection with Shindo equipment and what equipment is best paired with it. He is, at his core, a music lover. He has always been thorougly reponsive and I would not give "reliablity issues" or "poor costumer service" a second thought.
Tim1 I agree with Aronosss completely. I own Shindo equipment, purchasing through Matt at Pitch Perfect Audio on the west coast. I will state that his customer service, knowledge, and support is second to none. Shindo gear is made to last a life time. As the economy allows, I will happily move up the Shindo ladder without giving a second thought to any of the concerns you mentioned.

I understand as I was there over two years ago wondering the same. The musical enjoyment derived from Shindo gear is astounding and I'll never look back. The importer is strong and Japan is not that far away if you needed work done. The world's pretty small these days. Heck, even if a tsunami swallowed Japan tomorrow, I'll bet that a competent high-end electronics guy would find a Shindo extremely well laid out and easy to work with to solve most any issues that might arise post-tsunami.

I have several friends that own shindo gear, and there have been some reliability issues with them. That being said, the distributor is a good one, and was able to help them out without hassle.
The sound is something else - quite nice for sure (but pretty expensive too)