imput on bryston 4b sst 2

Im awaiting the arrival of my new Bryston 4B sst2. Does anyone have this in there system yet and how do they like it?
Sorry if I sound smug, but wouldn't it have been better to ask this question before you committed to purchasing this amp? Isn't it sort of a moot point now?
Well you do sound smug!! Doesn't everyone want their choice validated; why do most audiophiles invite friends over to listen. I have spent many hours listening to my friends new Bryston sst2 and it is a much better amp than his older ST, smoother and more refined. Good luck with your amp and many happy hours of listening.
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I have totem winds as speakers thus my choice for the bryston 4b sst2, Bang for the buck i dont think there was another amp that could drive them as good as the bryston could. As a preamp i a laid my hand on a demo Bryston Bp26 with integrated DAC. Got that piece for a steel. I love quotes like Rcrerar made so nice of him. NOT. Like Shannere said sometimes you like to be convinced by other audiogonist that they too have enjoyed a certain piece of equipement. The other problem i had was that i couldn't listen to the new square model of Bryston on my winds at my dealer because he hadnt received it yet, but i did have chance to listen to the SST model before and i did enjoy the sound it reproduced with my winds. Therefore the reason why i left this quote was to get some feed back of the new square model.