
Responses from shannere

Single-ended vs. Balanced input for Pass Labs XA30.8 (input will be a Golden Gate DAC)
stratsBoth DAC’s were connected to a Pass preamp with 1 meter Shunyata interconnects. Pass literature recommends a balanced connection. The Luxman padded their outputs for the same voltage but the Bryston had double the voltage on balanced lines b... 
Single-ended vs. Balanced input for Pass Labs XA30.8 (input will be a Golden Gate DAC)
I have Pass equipment and prefer the sound when balanced. My DAC is a Luxman DA06 which offers both RCA and balanced and I like the balanced sound better. Previously I used  Bryston DAC with the same results.  According to Pass Labs a single ended... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
psnyder149Thank you!!  
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
WCSSYour new years resolution was to grow thick skin. I sure hope it works.  If I was the OP in this thread I would be having serious considerations of closing  it. What seems to have been an audio journey of discovery with the gracious act of com... 
Pass Labs - 350.8 stereo vs. 260.8 monos
The Pass amps all share similar technologies but have slight differences in flavor.  As stated here many times before call Pass Labs they will be glad to discuss this and not pressure you into buying, extremely nice people and they also have exemp... 
Luxman DA-06 DAC vs Chord Qutest/Hugo 2
Luxman is revamping it's product line look around the the DA06 can be found for half price 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
WCWell stated.  My same experience with the Luxman. I am using the DA-06 and previously owning an Esoteric it did mot have that same luscious sound that puts a smile on my face and allows me to listen for hours.  Keep up your journey it has been a... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
ViberWhy is it every time someone mentions sweetness you immediately associate it with high frequency rolloff?  Surely being a trained classical musical listener as you claim, you have heard the differences between a cheap violin and a superb inst... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
viber6I am not sure my query has a correct answer.  As someone who has done a bit of recording both live and in the studio there are too many variables.  The choice of microphones with different pickup patterns changes presentation; the actual pla... 
My Long List of Amplifiers and My Personal Review of Each!
ViberWhy the rant about accuracy in soundstage reproduction when it is perfectly fine in your opinion to manipulate the tone with an eq?  Were  you there in the mixing booth and know  the engineer's intent??  
Amplifier Cooling Suggestions?
I have to use one on my Pass INT 30 because it is enclosed in a cabinet. Running computer fans at half voltage and cannot hear them two feet away 
determing reflection points
Here's a calculator for floor and ceiling /audio/ floorbounce 
Experience with North Creek Speakers
The crossovers are complete overkill built with multiple cascaded caps and up to 8ga coils. If the cabinets are made to Northcreek specs you would be hard pressed to find a better cabinet made out of conventional materials, extremely non resonant.... 
Bryston 28B SST
There is a reason that the 2 and 4 ohm readings are not listed. According to Jim Tanner from Bryston it has to do with Canadian UL regulations as this amp can draw more than 20 amps from the wall into low impedence loads. Since this is the max all... 
Is Esoteric SA-10 sonically as good as DV-50 or 60
If a CD player were made that sounded analog like a table me thinks the designer would make a pretty penny. When you hear a live band it is analog and those are the qualities that we look for in our recorded music which ever media we choose either...