krell ksa100 vs. audio research 150.2

anyone know the characteristics of each? these are my choises for around a grand. driving vandy 2ce and using mainly satilite for music. i heard a ar 100.2 at local stereo shop, much more articulate than my marantz 2270. base was about the same. any help would be greatly appreciated.
The ARC 150.2 is a very good, excellent sounding solid state amp and works very well with the Vandys (no need to worry about tubes with it). It's comparatively small and runs cool; a very underrated performer, along with the 100.2, in my opinion. The Krell is a pure Class A amp, meaning that it draws constant current out of your wall and runs VERY hot--it will heat up a room very quickly. It is a very well-designed and extremely powerful amp and very clean sounding, with great bass control, but keep in mind that it is older (last made in the early 80s), and were you to get one used you might have to replace the caps in it (if not already done), and the cooling fan in the early KSAs was a slight trouble spot (one reason why they went to the big heat sinks on the KSA 80 and 200 models that followed it). Much as I like the old Krells (I owned both a KSA 50Mk II and a KSA 80 in my solid state days), given your budgetary constraints the ARC might be a better choice. Either of these amps is a step up in resolution and overall performance from your NAD preamp, which is a very nice unit but not quite in the same league as the amps you're considering, so at some point down the road you might also consider replacing it (though it should work fine with the amps in question for now, particularly if your source is satellite radio).
Be aware the KST-100 does NOT run in class "A" unlike the KSA-100 and should not be compared to. The KSA-50 (class "A" also) will sound better than the KST-100. I own a KSA-100MKII built Sep.14 1986 and have had no fan problems. Please read the Krell "primer" discussion.
Here's the thing my comparison was between the Krell KST-100 and the Audio Research 100.2 through a YBA 2 preamp into Vandersteens. I'm sure the KSA-100 is a different story and might outperform the Audio Research, maybe. I'm in an apartment and the listening area is small. I would heat it up like Palm Springs in the summer with the class A Krell. I felt the Audio Research was a step up from the entry level Krell. The soundstage was better defined, the mids weren't exaggerated like with the Krell and the treble seemed more refined. I listen mostly with a Mac Mini through a Wavelength Brick V2.
Digepix,what's wrong with Palm Springs?(just kidding) I clearly understand your comparisons. I was only commenting on Byron84 original request:KSA-100 vs ARC150.2. The KSA & KMA series were the top lines at the time. The KST-100 was pretty beatin'up by reviewers for NOT sounding like it's higher priced siblings. I will agree on Byron84 needs to put the satellite radio in the dumpster for any serious listening. The same goes for A "burned off ethernet" recording when auditioning equiptment!! Byron84, beware once you start upgrading from mid-fi to higher end gear can truly reveal the nasties of cheaper gear/cables etc. My Krells, big & small can be ruthless with the wrong components & recordings. But hey most of us don't have "money trees" in the back yard. Try to choose wisely,mistakes WILL happen but that's what makes this hobby and A-gon great!! We certainly have a pleathera of knowledge at this site,so ask away,it can only help. Don't forget to let YOUR EARS listen to the music!!