Amp rec needed for Quad 21l2

Due to a new baby starting to get interested in the tubes on my Jolida 302, I am starting to explore a solid state amp that will shine on jazz music and that matches well with the Jolida. Around $500-600 used if possible.

A follow-up, another option would be selling the Jolida here, and using the proceeds from that to increase my budget. In that case, would the Naim Nait 5i be the best option?

THanks --- M
That's not a bad list by knownothing.Doesen't Jolida make a 100 watt Hybrid in case at that price?The 1501?Plenty of power and touch of tubes and same cheap $350 used $600 new.Rega Brio if you can swing price though that's because I haven't heard the NAIT 5 more than passing though show(might be too pricey).
Those amps because they are on the neutral to warm side for solid state - versus say Cambridge or Rotel which I think are on the neutral to bright/forward side.

Naim is in a whole different ballpark, playing American football to the other's cricket. It is a simply wonderful match with the 21L's if you can swing it.
Thanks -- I am interested in the Naim. I will looking into selling the Jolida 302BRC here.
I can recommend the Jolida 1501RC. I did get the two level mod from Underwood, worth every penny. Nice fit with Martin Logans.