Amp rec needed for Quad 21l2

Due to a new baby starting to get interested in the tubes on my Jolida 302, I am starting to explore a solid state amp that will shine on jazz music and that matches well with the Jolida. Around $500-600 used if possible.

That's not a bad list by knownothing.Doesen't Jolida make a 100 watt Hybrid in case at that price?The 1501?Plenty of power and touch of tubes and same cheap $350 used $600 new.Rega Brio if you can swing price though that's because I haven't heard the NAIT 5 more than passing though show(might be too pricey).
Those amps because they are on the neutral to warm side for solid state - versus say Cambridge or Rotel which I think are on the neutral to bright/forward side.

Naim is in a whole different ballpark, playing American football to the other's cricket. It is a simply wonderful match with the 21L's if you can swing it.
Thanks -- I am interested in the Naim. I will looking into selling the Jolida 302BRC here.
I can recommend the Jolida 1501RC. I did get the two level mod from Underwood, worth every penny. Nice fit with Martin Logans.
NAD C372 as suggested above will be a very good match. I have heard rave reviews about the Naim. Also there are couple of Creek 5350SE up for sale that could go very well with the Quads. You can also try a used NAD M3.
BTW, you have a great loudspeaker!!! :-))