Two tube amps for your consideration please

I am looking at two tube amps for purchase that will be for music only. Pre-pro will be a Denon 988 AVR with a Sony CD 200 CD changer in then pre out to tube amp. I have dedicated 1 of the channels on the AVR for this.
Speakers are B&W 805s.
For consideration is:
Jolida 502a 350.00
Yaqin VK-2100 300.00
Your thoughts are appreciated.
Signal path will be the CD via optical to the AVR (to take advantage of the superior Burr Brown DACs in the AVR) then pre-out to the tube amp then to the speakers.
As far as your question of the 502 vs. 302:
The 302 uses EL34 tubes and has the gorgeous midrange magic these tubes are known for.
The 502 uses 6550 which is more dynamic w/ a bit tighter control, but you will loose the magical lushness.
I had the 302 in a 2 channel HT system, from Jolida's owner, Mike's recommendation. There was a 3D human quality to music and movies that will simply stunning. As far as HT as you will use it dialogue in movies was absolutely inteligable at any volume level and music in movies was like being at a concert., and sound effect surounded you w/o 5.1. It was amazing!
I think the BADA 222 is amazingly good for the money. Will fit your budget too. (Just). I bought one to replace a $4000 amplifier while it was being repaired and frankly, I like the BADA more. And it does have tubes if that matters.
Thanks for that info Chayro. I looked it up and it is in my price range and the reviews look good also. It looks like a pre-pro? can I run my pre outs from the Denon to it then the BADA to the speakers?
Unfortunatly the BADA222 integrated will not work as just an amp per contact with their rep.:(