int-amp for Paradigm Studio-20s?

Just ordered Studio 20s and am researching a quality integrated amp for it. Budget is $800-1000. Should I look at tubes?
This is for 2.1 music only, living room ... classical, jazz, some rock, mixed ... not super loud.

Haven't had a tube amp before. Are they high maintenance?
Any good entry-level hybrids perhaps?

I had the Studio 20s with an NAD 744 receiver and an 80 watt tube integrated. While there were definite improvements in some areas with tubes, the overall sound was more balanced and satisfying with the NAD. The 20s are excellent speakers, but definitely dip into 4 ohm territory, which is not the strength of tubes.
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I have Studios 20 V5 and I am using Rogue Audio Perseus
Tube Preamp and Parasound SS Amp. Sound iz amazing.
There is no need for a subwoofer.
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Well, My room is 17 x 11 x 9 and the sound is great, even
bass. I don't care about specifications, for me sound is