Any Thoughts on the Sonic Frontiers power 1?

Hello everyone,
Anybody have any expieriance with the Sonic Frontiers power 1? I have High efficiency speakers(101db, 97db, and 91db so the 55 watts should be enough power just wondering about the sound and build quality and how it stacks up to some of its peers.

I have not heard the power 1 or any other Sonic Frontiers amps so any input would be appreciated. I have a chance to pick one of these up in mint condition!
Thanks to all for your responses. Informative and some good reading. It sounds like the Power 1 is what I am looking for, I have had 300Bs SE and el84 PP and those amps quite didnt do it for me and some of the music I like listening too. Although I still have my Jolida FX10 and probably be keeping that for a while I am looking for some muscle and speed and it sounds like the Sonic Frontiers delivers. Plus the price tag is only $900 in mint condition, a bargain.
I used to run the Von Gaylord LAD-L2 preamp into the power 2 and regret having sold that combo every day since then.....

I rolled the input tubes with NOS and the power tubes were KT88s

pure bliss - I'm about to cry tears of regret
1. Did the SF Power 1 come in a SE version?
If so could anyone elaborate on the differences compared to std Power 1?
2. Can the SF Power 1 be upgraded to the SE by Parts Connexion?
3. Can the the Power 1 be warmed up a bit with some judicious mods or parts replacement, such as caps?
It does come in SE version, but similar to Power 2/3 SE, majority of difference is in power tube per Chris Johnson himself. I never had Power 1 to compare to the SE which I current have, but I did have Power 2 and Power 2SE back to back and I honestly did not hear a big difference. Maybe slightly better bass and extension, but not in midrange warmth if my memory served me right.

From my Line 3SE+ experience, PCX mod will improve transparency, bass definition, top end extension and detail, and midrange texture. It won't warm up the sound by much, if that's what you are after I think it's easier to get there with a different amp.
Semi, In your Line 3SE+ try roll some Amperex Holland e88cc SQ and Ediswan CV5065 if you want a more musical, body and warmer sound.

On my Power 3SE+, I found Reissued GL KT88 and Amperex Holland e88cc SQ dramatically improves the sound in all aspects especially in terms of musicality and body.