If money were no object, what would be in your rig

Many of us have admired great systems on Audiogon like Albert Porters and some of us prefer a more simpler system. If you could change any component(s) what would it be and why? Or are you satisfied with what you have?
Top-of-the-line Goldmund in a dedicated room. Works for both music and movies.
I wouldn't even know where to begin if money was no object. I guess a bigger, dedicated room in a nicer home would be a start. Equipment wise, I'd change everything. Fortunately, I don't ever see a situation were money is no object, so I don't have to worry about that...

Mapman, it never entered my mind that the listening room in itself would be money well spent when I put forth this thread but that is a heck of good response. I still miss my older but very large home prior to buying my new house. It had an extremely large living room with ten foot ceilings. The acoustics in that particular room were mind blowing, but thats the only thing missed.
I would just like to be able to listen to different things, for the experience and enjoyment.

But I would definately like a space specifically for this purpose.