Basic Preamp - suggestions?

I need a basic preamp. I'd like to buy used and would like to spend under $200. Just looking for some suggestions that I can keep an eye out for. Thanks for the help.
If you can find a Forte' model 2 pre, that would be an excelent choice! Pure class A, seprate chassis power supply, Nelson Pass designed, has a phono stage built in (tweek-able) and it's built like a tank full metal black chassis! It's quite, low distortion was a steal back in the day @ msrp $1,100, and would be a crime today to pass one up which would sell in your price range today. It's a jewel! Sold mine to a buddie and I'm still amazed at how awsume it sounds thruogh his Rotel amp.
I agree with several of the people who commented here. If you can find a used Superphon Revelation Basic or Revelation Basic Dual Mono, PS Audio 4.5, 4.6 or IVH, or B&K Pro 10 preamp that would be the ticket. A Dyna PAS 2 or PAS 3 is also a killer tube preamp. I believe all of these have phono sections superior to the NAD phono never mentioned what amp you have?
To the above suggestions I would add the Hafler DH-101. I would just pull the trigger on something recommended above and listen to see if it rings your bells - not all old NAD, Adcom, etc. were equally adept, nor will all match well with your amp. Just have to try and see. If not to your liking and the piece is in decent shape, you can sell and try another.
add bottlehead to your list U can check out what owner- usershave to say about how these pres shamed some of the more expensive preamps. bottle head .com.