Why aren't new vacuum tubes as good as old ones?

Why aren't new vacuum tubes as good as or better than old ones? Don't we have purer metals? Precision equipment? Why isn't anyone making the highly regarded 7316s?
There is some subject dodging going on here...like regarding KT120 tubes. Do they have badly fired getters? Why do many feel they are great sounding, even compared to NOS whatever? Why have my 120s lasted 2 years of daily abuse and still show no signs of age? Do Psvane Treasures have badly fired getters? Why do the ones I use sound fabulous? Is New Sensor a factory full of worthless slackers pounding out junk? My re-issued New Sensor Mullards in my Class A guitar amp are perfect...why? Am I insane? I am? Oh...well...nevermind.
No Wolf. I think they sound good to you because of those bungee cords you connect everything with. And maybe you aren't completely insane it could be cabin fever with all that cold weather. Keep your chin up.
Wolf, I know some of the techs at ARC. They use the KT-120s, but apparently really have to weed through them as many of them arc (no pun intended) prematurely.

However its a pretty neat tube- lotta power handling.

One way to look at it is they (Russia and China) don't take as much care, but there will still be tubes that hold up. We've seen some of our Russian power tubes (6AS7G) go for well over 20,000 hours. But that is by no means the norm...

I think they are taking greater care with the premium tubes we are seeing- like the Psvane, TJ Music and Sophia. Our customers have been giving use good feedback on those (which at this point has mostly been the 6SN7- which is our main signal-processing tube).
I had a sloppily made Psvane pair that I sent back, but that was cosmetic really (on one tube) and it was a matched pair...they did seem to sound OK. The next pair was better, and have remained in their sockets. I wonder what the number of bad 120s is relative to others at ARC, as there hasn't been much reporting of 120 failures otherwise, or at least from what I found in my research (research...ha...more like "lazily poking around").